Thursday, July 23, 2015

Your 2015 LBC Mission Team

(Back)David Gilmer, Thomas Messick, Justin Wetch, Chad Musick, Jamie Gilmer, Greg Thompson, Josh Snead
(Front)Michaela Wetch, Jordan Horn, Olivia Jessee, and Gayle Musick
(Not Pictured) Jesse Jr. Wetch, Kent Musick 
Dear Church Family,

The 2015 LBC Mission Trip Team is made up the 13 people listed above. Please be praying for us as we traveling to Rock Hill and Fort Mill, SC from July 25-31t o be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. Please check the blog daily for pictures and new prayer requests. The following will be our schedule for the week:

Weekly Schedule:

Saturday 7/25:       2:30 pm Meet at Lebanon Baptist Church
                              7 pm Arrive in Fort Mill, SC @ Glenrock Baptist                    

Sunday 7/26:         11 am Worship with Glenrock Baptist Church
                              4-8 pm Block Party @ apartments in Fort Mill, SC

Monday 7/27         9am-3 pm Catawba Indian Reservation
          6:30-8 pm Backyard Bible Club @ apartments in Fort Mill 

Tuesday 7/28         9am-3 pm Catawba Indian Reservation
6:30-8 pm Backyard Bible Club @ apartment in Fort Mill 

Wednesday 7/29    10-4 pm Minister with New Church Plant in Rock Hill, SC
          6:30-8 pm Backyard Bible Club @ apartment in Fort Mill 

Thursday 7/30       10am-2pm Serve in Rock Hill @ The ROC with the homeless
          6:30-8 pm Sports Camp @ apartments in Fort Mill

Friday 7/31            10-4 Free Day The Speedpark @ Concords Mills
                               4 pm Depart for Lebanon, VA
                               8 pm Arrive in Lebanon, VA  

Prayer Requests:

       For God to be glorified.

       For God to protect us.

       For Jesus to save sinners.

       For team unity.

       For the trip logistics.

       For God to conform each team member into the image of Jesus.

       That we would be the hands and feet of Jesus.

       That Lebanon Baptist Church would be a church on mission.

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